We provide our distributors and their sales force all the necessary support in order to develop their brand business


We strive to provide our customers a personalized service with excellence while at the same time providing them with up-to-date technology.  Being able to provide excellent service and treatment is one of our first priorities.  Given our wide background in logistics/distribution/representation and marketing, we manage to cover each of our companies necessities, making our top priority the development of a market.

 We offer the companies a group of services that when offered together, they create a synergy that benefits their customers


  • Companies are covered by technical consultants with background ranging from sales to management and computers.  Pricing is handled separately by an inside specialist.
  • A special marketing plan and strategy is developed differently for every company.
  • Customer service and inside sales take care of customers calls for information and placement of orders.
  • We service contractors, architects and specifiers.
  • We work with our distributors in visiting the industry, preparing their presentations and also visit their customers with our demonstration equipment.
  • Part of our service is the training of our distributors’ personnel through the use of workshops and seminars.  Those seminars are also given to the industries, government agencies and municipalities.
  • All invoicing is done by the manufacturers.
  • All technical support to the customers is given by us.